A Love Letter to the West Sixth IPA

Our first born can. Did you know we had to buy 100,000 empties to put you in before we even opened West Sixth Brewing? Phew, good thing people are still loving your perfectly balanced self just as much after seven years. There’s a lot of folks out there that are addicted to you.

You continue to outshine yourself, dude. Centennial, Citra, Columbus, Cascade. The Four Cs all of us, your makers, sellers and drinkers, have embedded in our minds, tastebuds and bellies. To this day, your floral and pine noted fresh pours taste brand new to all of us. That toasted and bready malt backbone is still killin’ it.

My friend: thank you. Thanks for giving us good lunch breaks, creek beers, pool beers, hikin’ beers, stroller pushin’ beers, fire beers, tailgatin’ beers, and around the dinner table after a long day beers. Thanks for being our home sweet home in Kentucky. A craft beer we can always count on. We love you!

And thanks for that one time you cured my cold.